Monday, October 17, 2011

Sometimes it's hard to let the future begin.

You don't know where to begin your future because you're unsure of where your past ended.
Sometimes you're stuck living in your past,
because it's what you're used to for so long.
When you finally learn to let go of it,
it's hard to decide where to go.
You invision your future, & try to plan it out,
but the truth is, you cannot plan a real future.
You just have to go with the flow & play it by ear.
Let the future take the lead.
You can't live in the past forever.
Sometimes you fall down, but you've got to get back up.
You can't live your life if you're stuck on the ground.
Sometimes it's easier to just let go.
If you can't let go of one thing, you can't hold onto something else.

This is what dreams are made of.

You have this vision of who you want to be and what you will be,
but that vision keeps changing & changing.
Your life goes in a circle because you're constantly trying to
achieve your dreams but the more you try, the more they slip away.
You chase & chase & when you finally do get what you want,
you realize that it's not really what you want, so you're back where you started,
running around in circles chasing what's not there.
People are always saying to follow your heart & to chase your dreams,
but in reality, there are no real dreams.
Sure everyone has a vision of who they want to be & how they want to live,
but that vision is constantly changing.
A real dream stays with you forever.
The majority of the people in this world say they have dreams,
but 99% of those people won't chase them.
Once you reach one dream you search for another.
Dreams are not something you search for,
because with dreams comes passion and passion is not something that is created.
Passion is something that is truly in your heart.
It's a burning desire that will never die.
If there is no passion there is no dream.
You get stuck in this circle, running & running & chasing nothing.
The dream you think you are chasing is not yet developed.
It never will be truly developed, because you are human.
That's how the human mind operates.
We constantly change our minds about what we want,
because nothing is ever good enough.
We find something new & we thrive for it.
We chase it & chase it until we have it & we kove onto something else.
Nothing is ever good enough, so we search & search until we can't can't search anymore,
but we still aren't finished because we are not yet satisfied.
That's what's wrong with the human race, we are selfish.
We cannot be pleased, we always want more & more.
We have no dreams because our visions never die.
Our wants continue to develop & once we think we have what we want,
we don't because we can never make up our minds.
We consistently change our visions & our minds & continue to run in circles.
The circle goes on & on & on, it never really ends.